
Practical AI Ethics Program


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Every large or medium sized company which aims straight forward to use the enormous potential of machine learning based AI systems will have to come up shortly with a highlevel Ethical-AI-Strategy in order to meet future law and governmental rules as well as customer expectations. Since the Silicon Valley techgiants already pave this way and come up with Chief Ethical Offices and dedicated AI-Ethics-Management-Systems almost all European corporates will have to follow.


Let’s talk frankly: You don’t need the 10 golden rules of ethics in your company. This challenge is practical. It’s coming with the need of cleaning your established IT-systems, databases and AI-algorithms from unethical biases. Organizations that want to build ethical AI systems need to go much further than these old black box systems to ensure their autonomous decision makers meet their stakeholders values. They don’t need 10 golden rules of ethics. To futureproof the company they need it actionable, updateable and sustainable.

To help you with this we created our 2b AHEAD - Practical AI Ethics Program.


Make sure to download here our detailed information pack using the PDF-button above and schedule a call with our experts!

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